Wool There is 1 product.

Wool Fabric

Wool Upholstery Fabric

One of the defining features of wool upholstery fabrics is their luxurious texture and hand-feel. With a soft and plush surface that invites touch and exploration, wool fabrics exude a sense of comfort and indulgence, creating a cozy and inviting atmosphere in any room. The natural fibers of wool also provide excellent insulation, helping to regulate temperature and humidity to ensure optimal comfort in any season.

In addition to their luxurious texture, wool upholstery fabrics offer a range of practical benefits that contribute to their enduring popularity. Wool is naturally resistant to wrinkles, creases, and pilling, ensuring that upholstered furniture pieces maintain their beauty and integrity over time with minimal maintenance. Additionally, wool fibers have inherent stain and moisture resistance, making them easy to clean and care for, even in high-traffic areas or households with children or pets.

Shop our woolen fabric collection below, available in an array of colours.

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  • Colour: Cream
  • Pattern / Texture: Plain